Most of us have been told at some point in our lives “Don’t lift that, you’ll hurt your back!” I can certainly relate. In reality, the only time this will happen is if you exceed your capacity
to lift a particular weight. We can’t go through life avoiding lifting things, it’s always necessary. If we aren’t conditioned to it we could hurt ourselves.
In reality, our backs are strong, flexible, and able to withstand load. They are designed to bend, twist and lift. Who knew!!
Exposing ourselves to strength training reduces risk of injury and gets us prepared for success in other areas of life. For example, if you are practiced at lifting 50Kg’s from the floor, you’ll be better prepared to lift your dog if he ever needed help in and out of the car, or confidently lift your children & grandchildren for cuddles and reassurance.
If this is something you’d like advice or help with, please get in touch and we’d love to help you out or put you in touch with some great strength trainers and coaches.